
Social Dominance Theory Of Police Brutality

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Violence: Police Brutality
Police brutality is a kind of human rights violation that occurs in every community due to the use of excessive force. Many people have witnessed or have become victims of police brutality. In their line of duty, police officers are sometimes faced with threatening circumstances that enable them to make haste decisions when expecting the worst at the same time hope for the best outcome. A police officer is given the power to maintain law and order as well as to take away any right of a citizen when a situation permits (Heydon, 2005). Thus, they have the responsibility to apply the forces in a recommended way. Therefore, police are trained to use the least amount of force necessary to make an arrest by using escalations of force. However, sometimes police exceed the minimum amount required to diffuse an incident or protect them, which leads to misconduct or undue violence when not warranted.
Police brutality and their behaviors can be explained based on different theories. For example, the social dominance theory asserts that the white people are the dominant group in the
American society. Thus, they are not succumbed to the police brutality compared to other races (Chaney and Robertson 480). This social dominance theory is then used by the whites to justify the police behaviors of the use of excessive force on blacks by mentioning that the blacks indeed deserve brutality by the police officers since they normally resist arrests, they engage in thug activities as well as taking prohibited drugs. Based on the theory, it is noted that about 38% of the Whites and 90% of the blacks view police brutality to be targeting the blacks (Chaney and Robertson 480). Consequently, the officers who participate in such acts are usually promoted to higher ranks rather than facing interdiction or charges. These are normally done by the justice system even if there is a strong evidence which includes camera footage, testimonies from witnesses as well as analysis from the experts. For example, Eric Garner's case portrayed a scene whereby a police officer was acquitted of murder charges despite numerous evidences that was odd with the acquittal (Chaney and Robertson 480).
Incidences of police

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