
Social Impacts Of Hosting The Olympic Games

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As a sporting mega-event, the Olympic Games have numerous social impacts on the people, not only on those from the host country, but on individuals all over the globe.

Impact on Host Country
For the social impact on the host country, the Olympic Games primarily boost the nationalistic pride of the citizens. The Olympic Games increases the civic pride of the residents, and this is thought to increase individual philanthropic giving. Similarly, hosting the Olympics causes local companies to increase corporate philanthropic giving. The Olympic Games also leads to an increase in nationalistic and neighbourly feelings, which lowers crime rates. Areas in which there are significant infrastructures developments will also tend to have lower crime rates due to property rejuvenation. The hosting of the Olympic Games is also believed to increase the health of the people in the host country due to an increase in sports participation following the execution of the Olympic Games (Feblowitz, 2013). Overall, it is suggested that there are many social benefits to hosting the Olympic …show more content…

Outside of the host country however, there are not as many downsides to the Olympic Games. By participating in the Olympic Games, the citizens of different countries in the world can bond together through this event, and may become more productive after viewing the Olympics.
There are many factors in every country that transform the impact of the Olympic Games, but in general, the economic costs outweigh the benefits, while the social impacts are mostly positive. As such, countries in general should not host the Olympic Games for their own national interest, but they should first understand the impacts of the Olympics in relation to their own country before making a final

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