
Social Interactionist Perspective &; Crime Essay

Decent Essays

Social Interactionist Perspective &; Crime As crime continues to occur, criminologists begin to define new theories to explain our seemingly naturalistic tendencies on what mental processes take place for an individual to actually partake in criminal activity. The symbolic interactionist perspective defines itself by its strong beliefs in the fact that criminals are defined by their social processes. The social process theory states that criminality is a function of people’s interactions with various groups, organizations and processes in society. For example, an individual’s connection with family, school, friends, religion and media would all be main factors in determining how their criminal structure within their personality came …show more content…

Produced by David Matza, the neutralization theory believes that criminals must first neutralize accepted social values before they are free to commit crimes. The theory believes that all criminals live a normal life at least some of the time. They attend school, church, lead families, and drift between a criminal lifestyle and a normal lifestyle, much like the box office hit Mr. & Mrs. Smith. As we conclude both of these social learning theories, we begin to realize that while the origin on crime has been carefully examined, a missing link could be the accountability of the origin of criminal definitions. Where did these ideas come from to begin with? The social control theory suggests that individuals all have the potential to violate the law and that modern society presents many opportunities for illegal activity. It bases itself off of self control, a strong moral sense that renders a person incapable of hurting others or violating social norms. Isn’t it true, then, that other’s define morals differently and in a different manner, therefore defining their own sense of self control?(Much like the functionalist disadvantage that not everyone has the same beliefs!) For example, self control to me would be to refrain from quitting my part time nanny job due to the amount of stress it places on myself and my immediate relationships. Self control to someone else would be to refrain from stealing money from their place of

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