
Social Issue Of Immigration

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Today like yesterday, the day before that, and a hundred years ago the United States continues to face many social issues. But one prevalent issue that has continued to be the source of much controversy is immigration. Founded on immigration this issue is not new to this country. Although it’s an issue that has been around for many years the mixed sentiments directed at it have only continued to become more prevalent. This may be due to the various perspectives from which it is viewed. The way in which an issue is looked at is influenced by various factors which become evident when the issue of immigration is discussed. One said factor would be where on the political spectrum individual falls. For example, a liberal would view immigration …show more content…

For example, the older demographic (65+) looks at immigration much differently when compared to the younger demographic (18-30). The older demographic, composed of people 65 and older, is unsurprisingly more likely to stick to traditions and be more conservative as they have lived a long life and have worked for what they’ve got. This has led to them having a mentality of “ you work for it, you earn it.” Due to this most people who make up the older demographic would side with conservatives and say that lawbreakers should not have the same rights as those who obey the law. It’s also noteworthy to state that they fervently oppose an amnesty program as they view it as a reward for a crime which is something that strongly contradicts their belief of earning what you work for. Having worked hard the majority of their lives, they are not inclined to be generous with those who have not worked as hard as they have which has resulted in them favoring stricter border control to prevent any more undocumented immigrants from entering the country. On the other side of the spectrum the younger demographic, composed of people 18 through 30, are more likely to side with liberals on the topic of immigration. When it come to immigration policy many favor a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants as long as they meet certain requirements. While the younger demographic has a much more positive view on …show more content…

Its makeup up which has led to it being nicknamed a “melting pot” is clearly reflected in its political culture as it is composed of people with different ideologies, ages, backgrounds, etc. Without each of these components, the U.S. wouldn’t be the country it is today as Lincoln once said the United States has a “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Without the people, this government wouldn’t be a democracy. Unfortunately, not all people in this country have come to this realization as voter turnout is still low among some groups, specifically among younger people, although it can be hoped for that through education they will come to the conclusion that talking alone does not get the job done. What gets the job done is acting. In other words voting but more importantly doing so in an educated

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