
Social Media And Its Effect On Society

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In the past, many people were limited to who they were able to interact with, and most online communication occurred through electronic mails. The amount of information exchanged was very limited because many computers were not yet capable of holding vast amounts of data and the speed in which the information was transferred was not fast enough. But with the advance in broadband technology, also came the expansion of communication channels. The thirst for instant communication resulted in the creation of social networks such as Facebook. After its beginning in 2004, Facebook revolutionized the way people interacted with each other online, and gave users the opportunity to directly connect and communicate in a much faster way. Companies can …show more content…

This constitutes a dangerous threat to intellectual thought, and critical thinking abilities of all human beings engaged in such platform. The use of social networking sites like Facebook is part of the century’s cultural conditions, and should be understood as well. There are many factors that drive people to want to feel connected to others, and instantly communicate on a regular basis. A research study conducted by students of Boston University suggests that the use of Facebook is driven by two primary necessities: the desire to belong, and the need for self-promotion. (Hoffman, Nadkarni) The study also found that cultural and demographic factors contributed to the need to belong to a group of people; whereas neuroticism, narcissism, shyness, self-esteem and self-worth contributed to the need for self-promotion. (Hoffman, Nadkardni) The many technological tools people use to connect with each other has allowed these social networks to become part of people’s lives on a more personal level. People are now able to create public or semi-private profiles, identify a list of other people with whom a connection can be shared, and view and track connections made by individuals and others. A different study by Professor Bree McEwan from the University of Western Illinois suggests that using Facebook doesn 't necessarily promote

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