
Social Media And Its Effect On Students Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction: According to Renee Fricks, vice president of human resources at Imperial Capital, “Your social media profile can be more revealing that your resume” (Cohen, 10). Social media has become a normal use of technology of an average college student. From Facebook and Twitter, there is a means of connecting students on diverse planes via the Internet. This allows employers to search any potential job candidate’s social media to investigate user’s posts to determine if they fit their position and hold themselves with high moral regard. If students do not monitor what they post, potential employers may be turned away because of inappropriate pictures, conversations, or other behaviors. Learning about proper social media uses can prevent qualified candidates from losing job opportunities. Problem Background: With over one billion Facebook users and 255 million on Twitter, there is no denying the expansion of social media uses. There is no denying that college students are not directly connected socially at all hours of the day. The rise of smart phone usage leads to a demand for a growing social media market. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin shows there is a positive relation between avid Facebook users and social satisfaction and acceptance (Valeenzuele et al. 894). Thus showing, those who engage more on social media, such as Facebook, find their connection to the world more meaningful because they can easily engage with others on

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