
Social Media Essay

Decent Essays

You are invited to participate in a research study on the uses of social network sites. This study is being carried out as part of my doctoral research for the DPhil in Information, Communication and the Social Sciences at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), a leading research centre for the multidisciplinary study of the Internet and society at the University of Oxford. You can find out more on
In this survey, you will find a collection of questions and statements about your everyday experiences with social media and social network sites. Using the scales provided please indicate how true each statement is of your general experiences. Please answer according to what really reflects your own experiences rather than what …show more content…

I have had all my questions answered to my satisfaction. I agree to take part in this survey and I understand that I may withdraw from the study at any time by advising the researcher of this decision. I understand how to raise a concern and make a complaint. I understand that this project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee.

I am a PhD student at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. I study the role of social media in everyday life. I'd like to invite you to take part in my study and participate in an interview about your social media activities, experiences and everyday habits. Before we start the interview, I'd like to ask you fill out a short pre-interview survey. After you submit your responses, I’ll get in touch with you to schedule a time for a short interview. The interview takes around 15-60 minutes and will be conducted via Skype/Viber/Messenger or telephone. The interview will be very informal, since I am simply trying to capture your thoughts and perspectives on how you are using different social media sites and messaging applications in everyday situations.
Your responses to the interview questions will be recorded and kept confidential. The recording will not be made available to anyone but the researcher and will be deleted after the research has been written up. Each interviewee will be assigned a number code to help

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