
Social Media Positive And Negative Essay

Decent Essays

Positives vs Negatives In 2017, Social media is widely being used and well known. From such a wide variety such as, twitter, snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, and so much more. Social media is being used right now throughout the entire world for numerous different reasons. It can be argued that Social Media has many positive qualities like, connections, information, advertisement, as well as negative qualities such as cyberbullying, and image. To begin, a positive of using social media is keeping contact with close friends or family, and gaining information. Ali on SocialMediaToday, explains, “Social networks has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and take input about their lives and events happening with them.” Certain networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are a great way to stay updated with loved ones. Facebook for example, lets their users know when someone’s birthday is, it also includes a timeline, which could also be a great way to get to know a potential friend. Not only does social media help with staying updated, but it also helps with keeping contact. Many people, like me, have relatives who live in different states, or even different countries. It is no secret that international calls can get a little bit pricey. A good alternative for phone calling could be social media. Some social media these days have video

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