
Social Perspective Taking Analysis

Decent Essays

At around the age of 8-12 years Selman describes children’s social perspective taking as “reciprocal/self-reflective (p. 203).” At this stage 2 and third level of development, adolescents are able to master the critical task of being able to put their selves “in another’s shoes.” By doing so, they are much more cognizant of other’s feeling, emotions, and thoughts and are better at evaluating their actions and intentions. Their form of shared experiences has become that of reflective sharing of similar experiences which allows for two-way reciprocity and a willingness to compromise for the sake of other (p. 202, 203). Through assuming psychological position of others, such as described by Cooley with the looking-glass self, children at this …show more content…

202). Youth around the ages of 10-15 form their shared experiences through empathetic sharing of values and beliefs (p. 202). In this stage there is no more back-and-forth approach to perspective taking but rather an ability to view the other person’s and their perspectives simultaneously and mutually (p. 203). They are able to assume the position of a third party observer without removing themselves from the equation to get a look from the outside looking in to gain perspective (p. 203).The willingness and ability to assume such a position shows a decrease in egocentrism and a more detected view of the processing is taking place (p. 203). Friendships become far less about what another person can do for them and their selfish desires and more so about shared intimacy and mutual support (p. 203). Interpersonal negotiation strategies are mutual compromise focused and at this stage resolving conflict is not about who is wrong or who is right, but rather responsibility is placed on both people to address the issue seeking harmonious resolution (p. 203). When such a resolution dose arise it is believed to strengthen the bond between both people and conflict is not necessary viewed as a negative occurrence (p. 203). Also, if friendships don’t work out at this stage, they are far more likely not to place blame on the other for failed friendship, but instead are able to see that some people just don’t mesh in such a way. (p.

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