
Social Security Trust Fund Essay

Decent Essays

The Social Security System runs on the laborer contribution to the trust fund. For the example, when individuals are working, he or she required to contribute into the Social Security Fund: so later in their life when it's their time to retire, they can receive benefits from the social security fund. It has been helping retirees to meet their monthly expenses. The social security policy is a successful intergenerational program that has been serving American aging people for many years. Although, since 2010, the social security trust fund has been paying out more than what they receive through employees. Which is why many experts predict that system will work till 2037. Historically, Social Security trust fund has taken in more money in taxes than it has paid out in benefits. However, from last few decades the worker to beneficiary ratio has been dropping. In 1945 there were 42 workers for each beneficiary, in 1980 it had fallen to 3.2 worker to one beneficiary, expert predicts by 2030 there will be only 2 workers will support each beneficiary. The reason for this change is that the beneficiary are living longer, so they are receiving Social Security Benefits for longer periods of time. While on the other hand, population growth is lower, that means fewer babies per family, and less workers force for later. The less workers per beneficiary will …show more content…

The people who oppose the privatization, propose that retirees could lose their benefits in a stock market downturn, as well as, some workers may not contribute to the account. On the other hand, the promoters of privatization suggest that byn privatizing the account retirees will have higher returns than the current system can offer. Also, privatization may help to restore the system's ability to pay the dues. As per my personal opinion the system should privatize for our better

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