
Social Structure Theories

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This paper will discuss the different theories of social structures and how it plays into the communities and roles of crime. It will discuss how these theories work and give insight on criminological explanations of crime and delinquency. Ecological analysis of crime has been an important approach on how to analyze the cause of crime.
Social Structure Theories
This paper will discuss the three Social structure theories which are social disorganization theory, strain theory, and culture conflict theory. Sociological theories defined examine institutional arrangements within society (social structure) and the interaction between and among social institutions, individual, and groups (social process) as they affect socialization and …show more content…

It focuses on the relationship between neighborhood structure, social control and crime. Ernest Burgess developed the concentric zones to explain urban social structures. The zones where characterized by poor housing, incomplete or broken family, unstable population. Residents in low income areas as well as areas of high adult crime, drug addictions, and prostitution. Concentric zones were set up in five zones, Zone I loop which contained retail/manufacturing, Zone II which is known as zone in transition focused on surrounding the city center, Zone III which focused on working class zone, Zone IV which contained middle class single family homes, and Zone V which was referred to as the commuter zone or the …show more content…

The absence of social control is the key component to disorganization. The early 1920s in Chicago served as the model for the Chicago School of criminology this area had several low class and high crime neighborhoods so the objective was to mobilize social organizations and social control amongst these law-abiding citizens. They wanted to overcome the influences of adults and delinquent peers and try to provide more opportunities for association with conventional people. So, improvement of traffic control, restoration of buildings, and improvement in sanitation in the area would break the broken window theory which says that neighborhoods with poor physical appearance leads to more crime and delinquency. If the community decided to work together to keep the community busy, organize the community and gangs, the crime rate could be controlled. Having setup local clubs and putting in place summer camps, working and cooperating with police and churches will also keep crime rates low. Also identifying gangs and trying to get the younger generation to involve themselves in other activities as opposed to criminal

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