
Social Work Intervention Case Study

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Social work intervention to allocate improvement for Gilbert and his environment can be introduced after the passing of his father. For that reason being, it is best to begin intervention early in his childhood. Shanks and Robinson (2013) share the importance of timing, and how managing a lot of adversities early in life can hinder the effectiveness of later interventions, making it difficult to reverse neurobiological and health risks of growing up poor and exposed to a toxic atmosphere.
The most significant resource for Gilbert is to receive access to proper health care for his entire family. Gilbert’s family displayed various levels of mental disabilities, and it will involve interventions beyond health care. A professional therapist can assist the family cope and grief properly after their father’s death.
A power struggle may arise from both the children and the mother, they may believe they’re in control of their feelings and refuse treatment. Another factor to consider is their SES positioning them in the lowest social class; because of their insubstantial earnings Grape’s may want to avoid paying for help. A social worker can provide different yet affordable choices that he or she may be comfortable with or initiate an introduction. The social worker can have a specialist speak with the Grape’s, in that way each …show more content…

The parental role takes on a substantial amount of responsibilities; especially being a single parent with five kids. However, the absence of Betty exposed an adverse environment for her children. Child behavior patterns are linked with high rankings of parental stress and depressive symptoms (Einfeld et al., 2013). Therefore, by taking these courses, Betty can understand the deficits that affect their children. Instead, she can learn to become a nurturing parent that can provide a safe and encouraging

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