
Society 's Addiction On Social Media Buzz Essay

Decent Essays

Alana Clemente
Writing 105
5 December 2016
M3 Final
Society’s Addiction on Social Media Buzz Throughout the past few years, society has become more and more technologically advanced. Whether it be a cell phone, tablet, computer, television or any other device, most people have some sort of technology. With technology comes social media and social buzz. Everything people do, adult or teenager, can be linked with social connections. A simple tweet or Facebook status can be posted in a second. News can travel throughout the media instantly. Is all this technology and social connections a good idea? Social media has increasingly altered everyone’s true understanding of personal information. Electronic tools and social media buzz has hindered the general understanding of what our technology truly was made for. In today’s society, teenagers especially use social media and buzz for everything. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Tumblr, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are just some of the million different types of social media used on a daily basis worldwide. Today, people can use social media to reconnect with an old friend, share photos and videos of their lives, find family members, publicize relationships, and so much more. Social media can be great in many aspects, however, one can become dangerously addicted to the social world. In the article Social Media Addiction, Joseph Viola explains the addiction teens have with social media. He states, “Facebook, for

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