
Socioeconomic Status and Childhood Obesity Essay

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Childhood obesity is a nationwide epidemic. Being overweight or obese in childhood are

acknowledged to have a substantial effect on both physical and psychological health. The

instrument of the advancement of obesity is not fully recognized and it is understood to be a

condition with various causes. Ecological factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural upbringing

play vital roles in the mounting pervasiveness of obesity globally. In general, overweight and

obesity are anticipated to be the products of an escalation in caloric and fat intake. On the other

hand, there are accompanying evidence that disproportionate sugar intake by soft drink,

increased portion size, and continual decline in physical activity have been …show more content…

Prevention may be accomplished through a range of

interventions targeting built environment, physical activity, and diet. Some of these hypothetical

strategies for intervention in children can be applied by targeting preschool establishments,

schools or after-school programs as natural settings for shaping the diet and physical activity.

(Dehghan et al., 2005). Fast food is also consumed every day by one third of American children

age four through nineteen; it is projected that this increases their weight by 6 pounds per year. If

our children continue to gain weight at the present rates, obesity will soon become the principal

cause of death in the United States (Miller, Rosenbloom, & Silverstein, 2004).

Reports of low-income children taking part in nutrition assistance programs in the United

States have showed no variation or a slight reduction in the prevalence of obesity between the

early 2000s and 2007 or 2008 (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, & Flegal, 2012). Similar to the results

reported herein, Previous findings have revealed that the association between SES and obesity

may vary by population, sex, and age. In general, the sources imply that, in industrialized

countries, low-SES groups have a greater likelihood of being obese than are their high-SES

counterparts, whereas high-SES groups are at a higher risk in developing countries. In the United


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