
Sop of Electrical Engineering

Satisfactory Essays

Statement of Purpose Today, networking of every kind is fuelling the momentum of change. And in the process further transforming the way we live, work and play. The interplay and interconnections between various devices and systems is creating a world of surprises. To stay ahead in the fast changing world requires the ability to look beyond the present. Most new developments emerge in the USA and then spread almost instantly across the world. My country, India is also caught in the 'web ' of change creating exciting opportunities for youngsters of my generation. Indians are proving the worth of their merit and diligence on world platforms. The caliber to match international parameters is the vital need of the hour. This has motivated me …show more content…

My teammates and I developed software in Visual Basic to function as a visual aid in understanding the Microprocessor-8086, which was also presented at a software contest at VESIT (Vivekananda Educational Society’s Institute of Technology). I must say that I was most confident whilst presenting our software to an audience of 100 comprising of both students and faculty, in fact debates and public speaking have always been my forte. My final year B.E. project concentrated on developing a Micro- controller controlled air-conditioning system using the fuzzy set theory. One of the most important phases of my education took place on the sports fields. Training in sports taught me the value of discipline, rigorous practice and teamwork. There was a time when I went down in the dumps with a defeat in a match. My sports ' teachers taught me to rise again after every fall, which helped me to face setbacks in life with courage and the ability to 'try again and again '. Fair play and sportsmanship prepared me to win the battles of life on the basis of merit alone. Once a week, I worked as a teacher 's aid at a center for Adult education. I took on the challenge to introduce them to the world of basic education, health and hygiene, which was hitherto, something they never cared for. This brought out my creativity and taught me to share my knowledge with others. I sincerely hope that my dedication towards excellence

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