
Source Analysis: Milton Friedman

Decent Essays

Source Analysis
The first source is a quote by Milton Friedman that criticizes the view of corporate officials needing to abide to a “social responsibility”. He claims that, in a free market economy, corporate officials only have one goal, to increase profits for their business. So long as it's done without deception, fraud and engages an open and free competition. It is obvious that Martian Friedman is a supporter of capitalism. Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state or province. It is a right-wing ideology built on the foundation of individualism. It encourages freedom of action for individuals over government control. The source presents Milton is a supporter of individualism and classical liberalism. He favors an economy focused on making profits for the individual with little to no government intervention. Ideologies that …show more content…

It states that Canada’s environment has been a prime resource of a successful and flourishing economy. The party believes that we are treating our environment more like a business in liquidation. Furthermore, they feel we are destroying our environment through excessive wastefulness of natural resources and a consistent lack of protection for the environment. Leaving a “legacy” that future generations will be left to clean up. The green party is a strong supporter of collectivism rather than individualism considering that they long to create a healthy future for all Canadians. The ideologies of capitalism, classical liberalism and individualism in this case would likely seek to prioritize the business side of the environment, further damaging it through continued wastefulness to continue company profits. The Green party believes that it’s the collective’s civic duty to keep our environment safe for all future generations rather than seeing it exploited for

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