
South Africa 's Independence As A Country Essay

Decent Essays

From the 17th century until the early 1900’s, European countries were fighting to get tracks of land across Africa. Although South Africa was unified by Great Britain in 1910, the African National Congress was formed two years later. It was only on Dec 11, 1931 after World War II when Britain gave South Africa its’ independence as a country. For the first sixty years after South Africa was claimed independent, white minority rulers dominated the country. South Africa is now an independent Nation but is still a member of the British Commonwealth. The country has 9 Provinces, each with its own government with a provincial legislature, premier and executive council. Each province is different in its own way with unique landscapes, populations, economies, and climates. Before 1994, South Africa had only four Provinces and those four provinces were divided into racial and language groups. In the North Eastern part is mostly populated with the farmers (called Boer) republican and the South Western parts is where the British colonies lived. During the Apartheid there were “homelands.” These were provinces made for the black South Africans and they were forced to live there. After the Apartheid ended in 1994, South Africa was left with eleven official national languages (Businesstech, 2016). The largest faiths practiced in South Africa are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, traditional African religions, and Judaism. Most of these religions were brought over though European and

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