
Special Immigrant Study

Decent Essays

With the problems laid out, the question becomes how should it be addressed? Two solutions come immediately to mind and must be evaluated to understand the validity of each. In November of 2015, President Obama signed legislation that revived and remodeled the Special Immigrant Visa program. Making changes to our current legislation seems to be the most popular suggestion at this time, however, it may not be the most effective. The State Department released the figure of 7,000 as the total number of immigrants accepted through this program. When compared to the sum value provided by Mr. Batara back in the 2013, it is obvious that a 2,000 person increase total is still ineffective. This would seem to suggest that perhaps the best way to rectify …show more content…

This term is typically used in a negative connotation, however, I believe that it is actually a positive thing. In a society as in any living organism, there has to be a cycle of life and death. A “Brain-Drain” acts as the virus that leads to the collapse of a failing country. If the citizens of a nation wish to leave it, then they should not only have the right to, they should be helped in doing so. A country has no special claim to those who grow up in it, a country must earn that right. Afghanistan and Iraq had their chance, and now we need to give these people their …show more content…

On the lowest level of the Statue of Liberty, a short poem by Emma Lazarus is inscribed, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses learning to breathe free.” (Lazarus 1) Our nation once prided itself with an openness to immigration and yet now, when our aid is most needed, we have locked our doors and thrown away the keys. I propose that we reopen these doors, we tear down those walls and let the floodwaters of freedom flow freely. I suggested that we do so by either reconstructing the visa process or by removing the translators who were so vital to our military, to Guam. But why do we have to choose? Why not do both? If we are to achieve this goal, we must be willing to strive against all odds in order to establish freedom and justice for others that we have so blatantly taken for granted. Promises have been made and we must abide by them, for better or

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