
Speech On Science And Technology

Decent Essays

I would like to begin by welcoming everybody and thanking you all for taking time out of your busy schedules in order to be here. Today our lives are better than in the past. Do you know why? It is because of science and technology. The topic of today’s speech is the magnifigance of technology and science and the huge difference that they have made in the lives of everybody alive today. My main points of focus for today will be medical technology, the many gadgets and accessories that are beneficial and useful to us in this day and age, transport and the link between science and technology and the future of the generations to come after us.
So what are science and technology? Science is the systematic study of nature for the purpose of understanding how it …show more content…

All of these advances would not have been possible without science and technology.
Public transport has become very easy to use, with applications that you can download onto your smartphone, you can know exactly when your bus or train will arrive at your bus stop. Science and technology have really improved the efficiency, comfort and ease of access associated with transport.
With all of the things I’ve mentioned above, presently we are living in a great world, full of technology that has improved are lives and made it much more effortless, but it is extremely important to look to the future, what does it have in store for not only us but the generations to come afterwards? How will the technological advances discovered now improve the lives of those that will live in this world in the future?
While many people are focused on the present, living in the moment, and doing what’s best for them right now, it is important to think about the influence it has on others. The scientific and technological advances made now will have a great effect on how lives are lived in the

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