
Spina Bifida Research Paper

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Spina Bifida Spina Bifida is a birth defect where the spinal cord does not develop correctly, or is not closed all the way while still in the mother. Back many years ago people who were diagnosed with spina bifida were not expected to live very long. Their lifespan was only about 6-12 months and then they would die. From having the spinal cord not developed it can cause massive defects on the child. It can be as simple as just a limp in the walk, but it can get as bad as not being able to use their legs at all. These children still have the right to work out and become stronger individuals. The children may also want to be involved in a sport. Many people may think this is impossible, but with slight modifications the child can participate …show more content…

Often times if the spina bifida is minor the surgery can almost completely solve the issues the person is having. These surgeries require many different procedures that normally include neurosurgical, orthopedic, and urologic. Infection is common among these patients especially after being operated on. They must be monitored very closely so the infection can be reversed. After the surgeries the orthopedic surgeon becomes the most important role. Their job is to monitor the range of motion, motor strength, skin irritation, and more. Many times the orthopedic surgeon will have to provide the person with braces. These braces will help the person stand the correct way if they can. That way when walking they can strengthen the muscles used to walk. This will get the person one step closer to living a close to normal …show more content…

Children can go under go a countless amount of surgeries to help them work through spina bifida, however it is almost impossible for the child to get through their lives without symptoms going unnoticed. There are many different stages of spina bifida going from minor symptoms like a limp in their walk to being pretty much completely paralyzed. There have been many famous people with spina bifida such as athletes, actors, writers, and more. By sharing these famous people with children with spina bifida it will help them look at life more positively. There are ways that parents can have a better chance at avoiding spina bifida, however there is no way to completely get rid of the chances of the child having the disease. Before scientists went into research on spina bifida the children were not likely to live past a year. Spina Bifida is a horrific birth defect, and hopefully with continuing studies spina bifida average rate will continue to

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