
Spread Of Hinduism Essay

Decent Essays

Hinduism originated in India over four thousand years ago. The India-based religion lacks an individual founder. In the beginning, the term “Sanatana Dharma” erupted; but Sanatana Dharma soon transformed to “Hindu” after Islamic invasions occurred: “the Muslim invaders pronounced H for I” (Patheos), thus, the inhabitants along the Indus River were called “Hindus” as a result. The primary goal Hindus hope to achieve is to become reincarnated – thus reaching closer and closer to the state of nirvana every Hindu is called to with each transformation after death. Trade and immigration influenced the spread of Hinduism throughout the world: “Hinduism spread to…Southeast Asia. Indian Brahmins may have arrived in the area through trade…they [the rulers] seemed to have gravitated to…the Hindu religious practices” (Opposing Views). Whilst migrating from country to country in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, Indian immigrants searched for jobs, and once becoming wealthy, mandirs sprung up like livestock around the country of Great Britain. In addition, in 1906, the …show more content…

For example, Christians retreat to Churches, Muslims worship in mosques, Jews pray in temples, etc. But the significance of Hindu temples is the fact that there are only four “holy places”: “…[they] correspond to the four points of the compass and near which…Shankara established his four main centers” (Holy Places). In contrast to majority of devout religions, Hinduism participates in the worship of many gods – thus making it a polytheistic religion consisting of a Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The Brahma is the The Creator, and a member of the Hindu Trinity. Brahma intimately creates everything in the universe. In addition, Vishnu maintains the balance and harmony of the universe. Last but not least, Shiva perpetually destroys the universe: “it’s the necessary step to make renewal possible” (Hindu Gods and

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