
Sputnik And The Space Race

Decent Essays

In 1957, the world as we know it would forever change with the launch of the Soviet engineered satellite Sputnik 1. The aftershocks of this huge achievement in world history rocked the United States and its people to the core, creating a great fear among citizens that the Soviet Union was technologically superior to America. At the time, this may have been true; however, Sputnik 1 led to a tremendous spike in US government funding towards space programs, such as NASA, exceeding nearly 25 billion dollars(100 billion dollars today) and consuming much of the government’s time and attention. The events preceding Sputnik’s christening have become known as the Space Race, and have turned into a superbly important time in modern history and research. In the entirety of the space race, as previously stated, the US government spent a very large sum of money on research, and actually created two brand new branches of space programs for what they called,“exploiting the military potential of space” ( Staff, A&E, 2010). It was obvious during the time that the United States was embarrassed by the fact that Russia beat them to the punch, and wanted more than anything to once again be the forefront in modern technology. In order to achieve this goal it would take a lot of time and research; along with the most important commodity, money. During the time of the space race, many people believed that it was just a scientific battle to see which country was more advanced than the

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