
Staffing Issues in Nursing: Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Gordon, S., Buchanan, J., & Bretherton, T. (2008). Safety in Numbers: Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and the Future of Health Care (pp. 1-2). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
This book is a comprehensive look at mandatory legislated ratios and how effective they are in the localities where they have been enacted. It takes into account the pro-ratio arguments, the anti-ratio arguments, discusses the events leading up to the enactment of this legislation, and discusses the results and the research used in evaluating ratio legislation. The strengths of this source are that it’s comprehensive and credible source (it was published by an academic publisher). One of the weaknesses of this source is that the book is very long, and some of the …show more content…

This article is one I plan to use as an opposing viewpoint. It was written after the California ratio legislation went into effect, and it attempts to argue that legislated ratios don’t allow enough flexibility to adjust to changes in patient acuity. It advocates for a system enacted in Pennsylvania, which relies on committees to decide staffing levels. The committees have to include at least 50 percent practicing nurses. The strengths of this source are that it is very detailed in discussing the alternatives it is advocating for, and presents convincing arguments. However, the weakness is that it doesn’t have any further info evaluating how effective this system is when compared to mandatory ratio legislation – when looking at patient outcomes.
Hugonnet, S., Chevrolet, J., & Pittet, D. (2007). The Effect of Workload on Infection Risk in Critically Ill Patients [Electronic version]. Critical Care Medicine, 35(1), 76-81.
This article establishes that there are many differences in patient outcomes based on nurse-patient ratio in ICUs, looking at infection control in particular. One strength of this source is that the study has a lot of detail, and the methods are solid. It does back up my thesis that nurse-patient ratios are needed to save lives and reduce complications in hospital inpatients. However, a weakness of the source is that it was conducted in an ICU. Most patients in ICUs receive a high number of invasive

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