
Standardized Test Scores Of Racial Minority Students

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I. Introduction

The achievement gap is evident in the standardized test scores of racial minority students. When examining demographic information published by College Board Inc. and ACT Inc., it is evident that there exists a widening gap between the scores of African-American adolescents on the SAT, or the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and the ACT, or American College Test. Statistics from the 2013 SAT show African-American students earning scores of 431 in critical reading, 429 in mathematics, and 418 in writing (College Board, 2013). On the ACT in the 2013 year, the average composite score for African-American test takers was 18.2. In comparison to their racial and ethnic counterparts, African-Americans scored lower in every subject area than every other test taker. Frequently this gap in scores has been attributed to a number of factors including a student’s socioeconomic status, teacher qualifications, and school’s lack of access to academic resources. Instead, one should look to the theory of stereotype threat. In summation, stereotype threat is being at risk of confirming a negative stereotype threat about one’s group (Steele & Aronson, 1995). One may question: To what extent does stereotype threat lead to African-American adolescents underperforming in academic settings? Stereotype threat negatively affects African-American students in that it produces self-fulfilling prophecies causing African-American adolescents to underperform on college entrance exams.

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