
Standardized Testing Flaws

Decent Essays

The first statewide education system was built in 1837 by Horace Mann. His beliefs behind creating a system through standardized testing was to create a purposeful lasting common-school movement for professional teachers to educate the youth in creating social efficacy, civic virtue, and character. Today, students repress the idea of tests and idolize these exams as simple memory tests instead of knowledge/skill based tests. The blame and pent up anger students rile with teachers about exams breaks the whole purpose of learning. Today, students look at tests and exams as a point-based competition. Whoever gets the highest score is presumably deemed the smartest in the class. Students might know nothing about the info and how to apply their knowledge to real life applications but …show more content…

Historically, societal developments in school children have created generations of adults to misunderstand the basis and reasoning for specific answers. Reform in education is necessary. Students aren’t learning but they are instead remembering. Exams and tests are simply testing a student’s memory knowledge from a textbook instead of generating natural and insightful responses from a student’s point of view in their knowledge of a subject. One way to ultimately counter the idea of students revolving around a concept of memory in exams is to shape classrooms back to the original Socratic method.
The Socratic Method was used in ancient Greece by Socrates. His emphasis in building students to learn the process of finding the right path instead of eliciting a simple correct response created a revolution in purposeful learning. The Socratic Method works by continually asking question after question until proving an ultimate answer for

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