
Standardized Testing Informative Essay

Decent Essays

Students “spend between 20-25 hours taking standardized tests each year” (Kerr and Lederman). Standardized testing is more required now that the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has been implemented. The testing puts students in a category or class based on their scores. The student could have had a bad day or is not a good test taker. Although some students do not make high scores on the tests there are some that do score high. Standardized testing is more harmful than helpful to students.
Motivation is an important aspect of everyday life. "Researchers have consistently found that an approach based on extrinsic rewards and consequences actually reduces children's intrinsic motivation to learn" (Solley). Motivation is lost due to the pressure …show more content…

Standardized testing is more helpful than harmful to students. The testing shows what a student’s weaknesses are in different areas. The teacher can help the student improve now that they know what areas the student needs help. "Since NCLB has been implemented, public school students across the country have shown a marked improvement in reading and math" (Paige). Standardized testing has helped students improve in English and other subjects.
"Testing is a part of life" (Paige). After high school there are more tests in the world the students will face. The standardized testing prepares the students for ongoing tests in the real-world. There are many different test they will face. They will be "tested if they want to practice a trade, whether it be to get a cosmetology license, a driver's permit or pilot training" (Paige).
Standardized testing is more harmful than helpful to students. Whether it is because of the loss of motivation, too much pressure, or the stress it causes. Standardized testing is may be around for many more years to come. There will always be good and bad opinions or facts about standardized

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