
Statistics Anxiety

Decent Essays

According to Onwuegbuzie (2004), there are estimates that as much as 80% of graduate students experience statistics anxiety. He defines statistics anxiety as the apprehension occurring when a person encounters statistics in any form and at any level. The research topic is the correlation between statistics anxiety and academic procrastination.
One-hundred and thirty-five graduate students from different education disciplines enrolled in several sections of a graduate-level research methodology course at a small public southeastern university (p. 6). Those who participated were given the Statistical Anxiety Rating Scale and the Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students (p. 6). A majority of the participants were women and Caucasian-American. …show more content…

He explains the reasons for statistics anxiety, for example, he uses the example of a student's perception of its use. If the student does not consider statistics useful, it will contribute to his or her statistics anxiety. His research was extensive, and he used many different sources, including his own studies in his review of literature. Furthermore, an abundance of the sources he used seem to be dated. His research was conducted and published in 2004. However, his sources ranged from the years 1973 to 2003. This included some of his previous collaborative studies. However, it should be noted that his research seems to be the only research conducted on graduate students.
Onwuegbuzie (2004) hypothesized that the level of academic procrastination has a relation to the levels of statistics anxiety (p. 5). It is clearly stated, and it is thoroughly discussed within the literature review.
The participants volunteered to be a part of the research, and had to give consent in order to participate. Confidentiality was not mentioned in the article, but the names of the participants were not mentioned. This study did not involve any strenuous activity, so physical safety should not have been an issue.
There are many terms, theories, and concepts discussed in this article. Onwuegbuzie (2004) thoroughly discussed and defined each topic as the article progressed. For example, when he labeled the six components of statistics anxiety, he defined each component and listed how it relates to the

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