
Stereotypes Of African American Students

Decent Essays

Not only do African Americans lack the resources they can bring into the educational system, but are trapped into an unsupportive system and school structure on the basis of merit, which marginalizes African American students and negatively affect their academic achievements. White standards and values are the foundations of how the schools are run. For example, schools never acknowledge and integrate black vernaculars into any aspect of the curriculum(Hooks). African Americans have to adjust and conform to white norms implemented by institutions. Black students have difficulty forming positive relationships with teachers and administrators, and more are seen as displaying problem behaviors at a rate far exceeding that of their white peer (Gosa and Alexander). Those who are unwilling to accept the values held by privileged classes are deemed as "troublemakers" and placed into lower level classes, a form of resegregation. The expectation from the teachers and administrators are based primarily on the stereotypes that African Americans are naturally the least intelligent. Teachers’ expectations for success were higher for white students than for African American students(Ferguson). Not only do the teachers have lower expectations for black students, the students consequently end up having lower expectations for themselves. Black students may assume that because no black students are enrolled in high-level classes, they may not excel (Pedro Noguera, 2003). The

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