
Strength Grown by Celie

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Within The Color Purple by Alice Walker, women are treated as inferior to men therefore they must obey them. Through the strength and wisdoms Celie gains from other women, she learns to overcome her oppression and realize her self worth as a woman. The women she has met throughout her life, and the woman she protected since young, are the people that helped her become a strong independent woman. Sofia and Shug were there for Celie when she needed someone to look up to and depend on. Nettie was able to push Celie to become a more educated, independent person. The main source of conflict in this book is Celie’s struggle with becoming an independent woman who needs not to rely on a man. Throughout the book we see her grow as a person and …show more content…

Sofia is a very opinionated, strong person. With these traits, she teaches Celie how to be assertive. Sofia is not afraid to let people know about her views or opinions, but Celie is the complete opposite. She is too afraid to say anything; she just does what she is told by whoever it may be. “…not Sofia. She do what she want, don’t pay me no mind at all.” (Walker, 63) Harpo beats his girlfriend Sofia, but she has no problem beating him back. Celie understands that it is wrong to beat anyone, but she observe how taken back Harpo is by it and how Sofia has the confidence to do such things. Sofia is Celies reminder that she doesn’t have to stand by while everyone tells her what to do. Celie deserves to get treated respectfully. “Sofia claims her right to speech as she defends her humanity against a remark from the mayor’s wife and her body from assault from the mayor."(Bloom, 134) Sofia stood up to the Mayor after his wife asked her to become their nanny. Although Sofia ends up working for the Mayor, it is for the best because Sofia learns to tone her assertiveness down and Celie learns from it by using her voice to voice her opinions. It may have taken Celie too long to voice her opinion to Mr. ____ but she finally does it. "You a low down dog is what's wrong, I say. It's time to leave you and enter into the Creation. And your dead body just the

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