
Strengths And Weaknesses Of North And South

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Strengths and Weaknesses of North and South The Civil War was the bloodiest war in American history. America was split into two sides that had strengths and weaknesses against each other. It seemed they were the complete opposite. The North had more factories and railroads, while the South had more farms. Politics had a strong part to play too. The North had a better government, while the South struggled to form one. Finally, the North had a larger army throughout the war. The first major part of the North was economics. They had more factories, rails, and money than the South. The North manufactured 90 percent of American goods (Davidson and Stoff pg 488). When the war started the government focused manufacturing on war needs. Factories …show more content…

These actions caused several anti war groups to emerge. Groups such as radical republicans and the Copperheads became secret antigovernment societies, such as, the Knights of the Golden Circle. These groups caused a stir of trouble for the North’s unity (Guelzo). The third major part of the North was their military. The Union had a larger population, and there for, they had a larger army. They also had more guns and rails to move supplies and troops to the front lines. They even had a better navy than the South, and were able to successfully blockade Southern trading ports, cutting off European trade (Davidson and Stoff pg 488). There were some slight issues, however, with the army. For one, the North wasn’t as united as the South. While the Confederacy fought for their way of life, the North fought for politicians (Confederate States). They were also fighting in unknown territory. In order to win, they would have to seize control over a large area of land (Davidson and Stoff pg 488). Finally, the North couldn’t find a good military leader for most of the war. Most of the military colleges were in the South, so the North was at a huge disadvantage in leadership and skill (Confederate States). As for the South, they were at a pretty big disadvantage in most areas of their nation. In economics, they had little factories, rails, and money. The few rails they did have ran

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