
Structural Funcionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism

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In this paper, I will discuss three different schools of thought that, while they may seem to explain the inner workings of society, by themselves they fail to satisfy completely. For each theory, I will discuss the basics and cover the main tenants of each. Then, I will discuss the ambiguities, inadequacies and irrelevance to reality based on our current understanding of modern society. Structural Functionalism In the Functionalist School of Thought, society is viewed as being a complex structure of inter-related parts, analogous to a living being, with many different organs contributing to the daily functioning and health of the entire organism. From evolving societies still going through the processes of differentiation of social …show more content…

If we are to look at society as a super-organism, then we have to accept that conflict is a vital part of any organisms’ future development and evolution. Humans weren’t put on this earth perfected; through biological conflict with the environment and disease, we have evolved into what we are now. While still not perfect, evolution is still taking place. The same is true for societies. No one society was born perfect. Society has evolved from the same analogous process of trial and error, success and failure. While not all conflict is productive, it is necessary to the evolution of society. Functionalism all but ignores this aspect. Conflict Theory Where the positivist theory of Structural Functionalism focuses on the rigidity and stability of society, conflict theories focus on the chaotic, negative and unequal aspects. This perspective is constructed from the numerous hypotheses of Karl Marx, who saw society as intrinsically broken, and constantly in a state of disarray with social groups competing for a limited amount of social capitol and economic resources. According to Marx, society is constructed around two classes of people: the ruling class and the subject class. Those in the ruling class have a disproportionately large control over all resources, and use this power to subjugate the lower classes. This ensures that the ruling class never gives up power, due to the fact that the lower classes have to struggle to obtain

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