
Student Belonging

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Others may argue that it is the feeling of belonging that is more significant in why students consume alcohol, sometimes excessively and not stress. Teenage years is a time of uncertainty as there is a pressure to succeed in education by family as well as complications that can arise from the social side of life such as peer pressure. This has a major contribution to why so many young people tend to drink in order to be accepted by their peers especially for new university students as they are in a new environment trying to adapt to the new lifestyle and so are likely to be more reliant on their peer groups. This increases a peer’s involvement in an individual’s life who are easily able to engage a person in risk taking behaviours such as alcohol use as peer pressure has a strong influence as they can portray alcohol in positive ways meaning the individual’s attitudes will reflect that. This idea can be linked back to the social identity theory proposed by Tajfel (1970) who suggested that an individual’s self-concept is formed depending on what others think especially peer groups. …show more content…

G. 2011). This explains why students may drink as this may be the behaviour of the in group and in order to be associated with them an individual will engage in the same behaviour to be socially approved. Those that do not drink would be considered as the out-group not taking part in the normative behaviour. So students give in to peer pressure to fit in with the in group. This idea is also supported by Borsari, B., & Carey, K. B. 2001, who found a great deal of evidence that reveals that “interpersonal processes strongly influence college student drinking” through direct influences, modelling, and perceived

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