
Summarise the Factors Which May Influence the Health and Development of Babies in the First Year of Their Lives.

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Unit 18
Task 1: (E1)
Summarise the factors which may influence the health and development of babies in the first year of their lives.
There are many factors that can influence the heath and development of babies in the first year of there life some factors can occur in the antenatal period before the child is born, some perinatal during the birth and some postnatal after the birth.
An example of an antenatal factor is smoking. If the mother smokes during pregnancy the baby is more likely to be born premature with a low birth weight. They also can have poorer lung function and have organs that are smaller than a baby that is born to a mother that does not smoke.
Another example of an antenatal factor is stress and worry. ‘Stress …show more content…

An example of this which I have seen in the setting is paint. The paint that had been purchased for the setting was not age stage appropriate for the babies to do finger painting with which is what the paint was intended for therefore the paint could not be used. Staff ratio is important whilst keeping the children safe indoors and outdoors. In order to be able to meet all the children’s care needs and give the correct supervision then there needs to be the correct number of staff to the number of children that are in the setting.

E3: State the choosen age group. Give information about the expected stage of overall development and identify changes which can be usually expected in the next two months.
All babies are individual and will develop at different rates all babies will not develop to the same stage at the same age. A baby at the age of 3 months will be expected to be able to hold a rattle for a few seconds but they usually can not look at the rattle at the same time. By being able to do this the baby has developed on their physical skills. Within the next two months of their lives the baby will be expected to develop to the next expected milestones. At the end of four months the baby can now roll from their back to front. By being able to do this the infant has developed on their motor skills. Also the baby can now push up on his forearms and lift their head and chest 90 degrees when lying on their stomach this position only

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