
Summary Of Avi's The Man Who Was Poe

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In Avi’s novel, The Man Who Was Poe, the reader learns all about the story’s focal antagonist, Edgar Allan Poe, under the alias of Dupin. Poe was a real man, who is one of the best-known American authors, with one of the most distinctive styles of writing. He is mostly recognized for is short stories that possess a gruesome plot and a hair-raising theme. In the novel, the style of Avi’s writing can easily be identified as an emulated version of the way Poe wrote. The way Avi used his writing to make the reader feel is also very similar to Poe. Both authors used descriptions and selective vocabulary in attempt to set the mood of the story and make the audience, who reads the story, feel a certain way. The elements of fiction play a big role in the style of the authors’ writing. The strategy, of usage, of setting, character, theme, plot, and mood, in Poe’s stories, and Avi’s novel, correspond to one another in many ways. Descriptions of Poe and the way he is depicted in the story also duplicated many of Poe’s real life characteristics. Poe’s style of writing is clearly a substantial influence on Avi, and is projected throughout the duration of his book with the usage of theme, setting and mood, along with the physical and mental characteristics of Poe himself. In a vast majority of Poe’s stories, his two main themes always stayed consistent. The themes being: death and insanity. These themes can also be clearly identified throughout Avi’s novel, portrayed by the character

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