
Summary Of Bury Me In A Free Land

Decent Essays

I choose to analyze and discuss the poem “Bury Me in a Free Land by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper”. The poet, Frances Harper was an African American who participated in a movement to abolish the slave trade. A key reason for the choice is that the poem is indulging. The poet portrays her message in a vivid manner; expressing her inner thoughts and feelings clearly.
Being a student in the 21st century, interacting at a personal level with individuals from different races and cultural practices on a daily basis, I strongly believe in equality. No human has the right to enslave any other either willingly or forcefully.
My interpretation of the poem
In my understanding, the poem pre-dominates the theme “horrors of slavery”. The poet, in a clear tone, illustrates the lives of slaves and the challenges they go through. “And the mother’s shriek of wild despair”, “And I saw her babes torn from her breast” and “If I saw young girls from their mother’s arms” are some examples of indignities that the poet describes. The persona states that she could not rest in a place where people were forcefully subjected to any form of indignities. She uses statements such as; “I could not rest if I heard the tread”, “Of a coffle gang to the shambles led” and much more to elaborate her dislike against slavery; the abuse and terror.
The poet uses different techniques to bring the out the impacts of slavery on the affected individuals (the slaves). The “grave/slave(s)” rhymed couplet recurs at

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