
Summary Of Don 't Eat The Marshmallow ! By Joachim De Posada

Decent Essays

All the videos reflected in the following essay are full of accurate and original thoughts of brilliant people. TED Talks is a great project and I strongly believe that future of education and online learning belongs to it. Though all the videos have been picked by chance almost all of them happened to be somehow connected to the different view and concept of originality. Speaking differently it may be said that some of the videos are concentrated on presenting things in different light and from different perspectives for the matter of better understanding of this things.
“Don’t Eat the Marshmallow!” by Joachim de Posada
This video tells about psychological perspective and a behavioral principles concerning selling, …show more content…

I had the very same problem with my shoes. My mother told me that I used the wrong kind of a knot. This is the thing that salesman at the shop told Terry. There are two kinds of knots. One is weak and the other one is strong. The most usual and average knot is the first one however from time to time I see and meet people who use the right kind of a knot. You can see it on the video or Google it but I’ll say that the advantages of another knot are that it unties not so often (almost never) and it looks better. I think that this example is a brilliant situation that shows how even small things in our life can become developed for the better if the perspective is changed. How many different things in our life are uncomfortable but we don’t think about them so because we are used to it? Not noticing the problem doesn’t mean that there isn’t any problem. The perspective decides everything and sometimes even the laces on our shoes can become a problem the solution to which will depend on this significant skill of seeing the issue in other light.
“Weird or Just Different?” by Derek Sivers
Another interesting video about the matter of perspective. If anything is true it doesn’t necessarily means that the opposite is false. Some ideas can go at odds with other ideas but all of them can be applicable to the different environment with

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