
Summary Of Marigolds By Eugenia Collier

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Throughout the story “Marigolds” written by Eugenia Collier, the main character Lizabeth who is faced with poverty while experiencing life in the Great Depression faces many conflicts. This results in Lizabeth having a dramatic change throughout the story. My first point is that Lizabeth can be described as childish and bothered in the beginning of the story. As evidence, line 180-181 state “We had to annoy her by whizzing pebbles into her flowers.” In these lines Lizabeth, Joey who is her brother, and a few of the kids in the neighborhood were inattentive, as a solution they decided it would be a good idea to mess with one of the elders who is seen as an outcast in their town, Miss.Lottie. As a cause, Miss.Lottie owned bright yellow …show more content…

One night as Lizabeth was trying to sleep, she overheard her father crying over that fact that he could not financially support his family, this baffled Lizabeth because she has never witnessed any man let alone her father cry. “I had never heard a man cry before. I did not know men, even cried.” (Lines 276-277) Consequently,this scared Lizabeth and as an effect she woke her younger brother Joey, who had already been asleep and told him to come with her. Lizabeth led Joey all the way to Miss.Lottie’s house and Joey was very confused because he had no idea what Lizabeth had in mind. Furthermore, emotions traveled through Lizabeth “The great need for a mother who was never there, the hopelessness of our poverty, and degradation.” (Lines 326-328) Once Lizabeth arrives at Miss.Lottie’s house she had done the unthinkable. “I leaped furiously into the mounds of marigolds and pulled madly.” (Lines 333-334) Unfortunately, Lizabeth had taken all her stress and sadness, and anger out on the one object that represented hope, the marigolds. Suddenly, all Lizabeth’s enraged anger calmed down. She felt guilt as she was face to face with Miss.Lottie and realized what she had

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