
Summary Of Racial Formations By Omi And Winant

Decent Essays

For this week’s memo, I decided to read “Racial Formations” by Omi and Winant. The reading talks about the meaning of race as being defined and challenged throughout society in both collective and personal practices. It also suggests that racial categories are created, changed, ruined, and renewed. Omi and Winant explore the idea that the conception of race developed progressively, ultimately being created to validate and rationalize inequality. It began with the denial of political rights and extended into the introduction of slavery and other forms of forcible labor.

In my opinion I found it crucial to break away from this way of thinking, by trying to understand race as and social meanings that were constantly being distorted and misrepresented. After completing this reading, I really wanted to understand why some felt that they should be free and that others should be enslaved. Why some people should have rights to land, voting privileges, and employment while others did not. Race and the understanding of racial differences were fundamental influences in the worldview.

I know that this reading refers to and focuses on the analytical sociological tool, …show more content…

However, all of these factors are related to the concepts of race and ethnicity. From what I have read, most sociologists think of many things as products of their environment, or products of society. These categories gain significance and definition because of the way that they are formed by society. It is almost like we, as a society, communally assign these things meaning and value. This comes from a viewpoint which is known as constructivism, suggesting that we bring ourselves to an understanding of certain ideas and theories in society because we created them. I believe, like most sociologists, that race and ethnicity are two excellent instances of socially constructed philosophies in our

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