
Summary Of The Other Wes Moore

Decent Essays

Wes Moore could’ve easily had the Other Wes Moores life by the littlest changes both of their lives could have been very different in many different ways. “The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.” This is true because their choices are what led them to where they ended up at in the end, one ended up very successful and the other Wes Moore ended up in prison. Wes Moore the author of The Other Wes Moore has been very successful in life, he’s youth advocate, Army combat veteran, social entrepreneur, and host of Beyond Belief on the Oprah Winfrey Network. Moores life hasn’t always been this easy growing up he lost his father and he did witness his fathers’ death, “His body …show more content…

He had a friend named Shea, who was working as a runner for a drug enterprise. Shea was a good friend to Moore besides the fact that he was a runner and always he was the one that Moore first tagged a building with. Whenever Shea asked Moore if he wanted to tag with him his thoughts were, “I couldn’t say no. First off, Shea was one of the most respected young hustlers in the neighborhood. He was a worker, we all knew that- and while some of the kids were smart enough to be disgusted by what he did, other kids, even the ones who weren’t in the game, respected his position. Plus, I loved throwing my name up on a wall; it felt like splashing in the shallow end of the criminal pool.” (Moore 80.) After reading this it changed my view on Moore because he liked doing these things, so it isn’t Wes’s friends that are bad influences on him. Moore is a bad influence on himself at this point, he likes to tag and he enjoys the feeling he gets after he does …show more content…

They both decided to run for it, Shea almost got away with it until he seen Moore getting patted down by one of the officers and then he also got patted down and they both ended up hand cuffed in the back of a police car. “He had control of my destiny- or at least my immediate fate. And I couldn’t deny that it was my own stupid fault. I didn’t have the energy for romantic rebellion- the possibility of losing all control of my life was like a depthless black chasm that had suddenly opened in front of me. All I wanted was to turn around, go home, and never find myself at this precipice again for such a stupid reason.” (Moore 84.) He really does realize how stupid it was of him to be tagging and damaging property whenever it really isn’t worth it and he gets nothing out of it. Moore knows how lucky he is that the officers decided to just lecture them on how they were to young to be out doing these type of things already, the officers could’ve easily gotten them in huge trouble with both the law and both of their parents if they wanted to. It’s very important that Moore learned this from that situation, this is what helps him turn his future around in a very good way. The fact that Moore also had his mothers help and support to help him get on the right track helped him figure out how to fix his future too. If Moore wouldn’t have been sent to military school,

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