
Summary Of ' The Seals Call On An Arab Stereotype

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their superior calls him, “the crown prince of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.” The SEALs call on an Arab stereotype to define Zarqawi’s position and the representation of the Butcher is even more sinister. He is Al-Zarqawi’s henchman who does the dirty work to keep the Iraqi citizens in line. This includes using a drill to murder or maim people. This sets up a dichotomy between the Butcher, a cowardly evil man who uses barbaric methods to harm his enemies, against Chris Kyle, whose sniper is a quick clean kill. The Butcher shouts out, in Arabic, at the still living bystanders after he has killed a man and his son, “You talk to them. You die with them.” This logic is familiar to the other side of the battle. Chris Kyle and his team consider anyone not in American uniform as a potential enemy. Continuing their search for the Butcher, the team choose the apartment of a local family across from the restaurant they know the Butcher frequents. Kyle and his team enter point large automatic weapons at the family members sitting at a table near the door—two children and what appears to be their mother. They suspect everyone of being their enemy even these small children, one of which they make lay on the ground the pat him down. This kind of black and white logic pervades American Sniper. Hovering over an image of the Bible, narration from Chris’ father: “There are three types of people in this world: sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. Now some people prefer to believe evil doesn’t exist in this

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