
Summary: Should College Athletes Be Paid

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In the recent years, a big debate has transpired in the realm of college athletics: should college athletes be paid to play? The answer to this question is very complicated and will continue to be debated for years to come. This question has been debated for a long time but has recently become much bigger as more and more people watch games, buy jerseys, and tickets become more expensive; therefore athletic departments are making more money. There are people who have very good arguments for both sides of this dispute. One major lense to look at this topic through is through ethics. Is it ethical, morally right, for college students to get paid for preparing for professional sports where they do get paid? Or is a scholarship (full …show more content…

Since many athletes receive scholarship, and there is no fair way to pay athletes between different divisions, schools, and sports, they should not be paid. Many new ideas will come up to be debated and new lenses will open as more and more people start looking into this dispute. Citations
Bokshan, A. (2011, November 2). Viewpoint: Why college athletes should not be paid, Retrieved October 9, 2014 from
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Dodd, D. (2015, February 27). Players about to get paid as money changes game in college athletics. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
Lemmons, M. (2017, March 29). College Athletes Getting Paid? Here Are Some Pros And Cons. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
Mitchell, H., & Edelman, M. (2013). Should College Student-Athletes Be Paid?. U.S. News Digital Weekly, 5(52), 17. Retrieved October 26, 2017
Walch, J., & Marshall, B. (2016, October 20). Should athletes be paid to play? Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
WOLVERTON, B. (2015, January 23). New Benefits for Athletes Trigger Talk

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