
Summary: Should College Athletes Get Paid

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Should College Athletes Get Paid For What They Do? How does one feel about college athletes getting paid for what they do, such as football players getting paid for what they love to do: playing football, basketball, baseball, etc. One could have his or her own opinion about this situation, but this is the players lives. College athletes are committed to what they do; therefore, they deserve to make a profit off of their, because college athletes do not have time to maintain a well-paying job, paying the athletes could make the game more competitive, and a salary would help the college athletes learn how to manage their money.

College athletes have wants and needs just like everyone else, but they do not have time to maintain a well-paying …show more content…

If they make it to the NFL, they will know how to manage their cash. One could feel like helping the athletes manage their money can prepare them for the real world. Also, if they did not make it in football, they would have something to fall back on. They would also know how to manage their money in the real world.

One could feel like paying the college athletes is wrong. One could debate on whether college-student athlete in the U.S. should be paid or not in 2014. One author explains that the college athletes are not considered professional athletes, and therefore should not be given salaries(Mitchell 17). I agree that players are not “abused” just because universities make money from their games. I would suggest that their “four year free ride” is not reasonable compensation for their efforts( ). College athletes need money just like professional athletes. College athletes deserve to be treated like professional athletes.

In conclusion, college athletes deserve to be paid for what they do. College athletes are dedicated to their sports. They are doing this to make a living, also to get an education. They have wants and needs. They deserve to be

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