
Summary: Teamstepps

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Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) is evidence based tools for healthcare professionals to optimize patient health outcomes using various teamwork skills. Interprofessional Grand Rounds provided opportunity for me to learn different cultures and responsibilities of Nursing, Medical and other healthcare professions through demonstrating effective communication during the 2-hour session. Prior to the session, I attended a seminar last year about how TeamSTEPPS is used in Rapid Response Team at Jefferson hospitals. From the previous seminar, I learned teamwork between healthcare professionals is essential for patient care and effective communication is crucial. TeamSTEPPS session last week helped me …show more content…

Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) technique is essential in urgent situations as it helps to relay critical information about the patient in concise manner. When my group was interview the mock patient during role play, we failed to gather enough background information about patient’s past medical history. Thus, we had to change our assessment of the patient twice to recommend appropriate therapy to the doctor. Also, I found CUS technique useful when resolving conflicts and providing mutual support. Stating how I felt about the situation and expressing concern about patient safety helps to draw attention of the provider, leading to reduction of medical errors. During the role play, when the provider recommended inappropriate therapy, the “caller” in my group had to use CUS skill in order to speak up to resolve the problem. Leadership was another skill that was essential in teamwork. Brief, Huddle, De-brief was imperative in setting up plans, assigning roles, re-evaluating the team performance. De-brief after the situation helps the team to reinforce the positives behaviors and emphasize the improvements

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