
Summary: The Problem Of Mass Incarceration

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Without local jobs people are being forced to find other means to survive often times dangerous ones that could cost them their lives or their freedom. Many people have the mindset Rios explains, “ it becomes territorial. He’s trying to make a living, so he’s going to do whatever he’s gotta do”( qtd. in Rios 38-39), and that is where the trouble manifests. Pettit and Sykes explain that the, “black male employment rates have not seen significant gains since the early 1980s and evidence suggest that employment rates among young black men are now lower than they were in the first few years after the passage of civil rights legislation”(Pettit and Sykes). Instead of putting money into the prison system the government should start putting money …show more content…

Toni Morrison highlights this best in her novel “The Bluest Eye”. “Except for an occasional and unaccountable insurgent who chose a black, they married “up” lightening the family complexion and and thinning out the family features”(Morrison 168). Throughout the book Morrison depicts the differences in treatment of the lighter end and the darker end of the African American race. In Morrison’s book there was a character by the name of Maureen Peal and because Peal was a biracial child both black people and white people adored her, they didn’t abuse her with their words or actions. Peal was safe from the violence against her race and believe she was not black because of it, as though being black was a curse that should feared. Similar to Maureen Peal we are introduced to another character in her same position, her name was Geraldine. With Geraldine readers are able to see the economic differences between black people. Morrison describes the light skinned woman's house as being beautiful and large in contrast the the main character Pecola’s clothes described as “dirty and torn”(Morrison 89-91). This division has carried through the 21st century; today people are still characterising others by the complexion of their skin. Things have improved

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