
Supply Chain Management : Pepsico Inc. Essay

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In 2010, PepsiCo Beverage Company (PBC), a working unit of PepsiCo Inc. (PepsiCo), the second biggest sustenance and refreshment organization on the planet, got the inventory network advancement recompense from the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). PepsiCo was given this grant for its creative conveyance procedure, the "Direct to Store Delivery show", that decreased framework wide stock, disposed of stockroom space imperatives, upgraded the potential for boundless SKU development, and conveyed distribution center expense reserve funds. In the wake of indicating tremendous development in the 1990s and early2000s, PBC thought that it was hard to deal with its dispersion focuses and distribution centers.

The case takes a gander at how the organization attempted to streamline cramped stockrooms and how it resuscitated its conveyance methodology utilizing mechanization innovation. The case likewise highlights the advantages of aggregate store network change for PepsiCo. This case can be utilized by MBA/MS understudies considering Operations Management as part their educational modules.
Overview of PepsiCo’s food business

PepsiCo Inc. (Enthusiasm) is a main nourishment and drink organization that makes and conveys its items in more than 200 nations. Nourishment items that PepsiCo makes incorporate chips, seasoned snacks, oats, rice, pasta, and dairy-based items. The organization 's refreshment item portfolio incorporates carbonated sodas, juices,

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