
Supporting Diverse Learners Essay

Decent Essays

In the past, I have supported diverse learners in a variety of ways. To begin, from the first day of school I begin building a positive relationship with students. Students need to know that I can about their academic success and their well being. In addition to building a postivie relationship with students, I also strive to create a positive relationship with parent. Parents are a vital component to student success, everyone is part of the “team” for learning. Last, I set high expectations for my students. I am a firm believer that if you set high expeactations and students know you care about their learning, they will work hard to reach their goal. My learning goal in supporting diverse learners is for students to reach mastery of each knowledge and be able to make application with each skill. I have found that students can reach mastery on a specific skill, yet has difficulty transferring the knowledge into application. In addition, my goal is for students to have a positive learning experience. I want my …show more content…

I am a strong believer that one test defines a students. Therefore, variety is key when assessing students. When using formative assessment I use student reflections, journal entries, exit cards in addition to non verbal communication such as thumbs up or down. I also make anadotal notes on students to help assess the overall learning journey of the student. When using summative assessments, I use district assessments, state assessments, portfolios, short answer, multiple choice, and student based projects. In all forms of assessments, students are provided the appropriate accommodations. My learning goal for assessing students is to have a valid assessment that demonstrate the student’s understanding of the specific skill. It is crucial that I understand the purpose of the assessments and the content that is being taught, therefore, I often start instruction with the assessment piece in

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