
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Unit 203 Essay

Decent Essays

Unit 203
Outcome one
It is a normal part of growing up for children to fall out have disagreements and arguments from time to time and to always get on with everybody.As a teaching assistant it is part of your duty to ensure the children feel safe and protected from harm,it’s a very delicate subject to tackle and to balance it correctly when things go wrong with the children as it can often be your instinct to get involved and sort things out for them but if you do you are stopping the children learning themselves there responsabilty and own desitions although there can be times when things are to difficult and overwhelming for the children to cope with on there owns and they will need the adult advice and support ,most there …show more content…

In a role as a professional adult working with children you will need to remember that you need to be a positive role model for children,this means you will have to show them how to communicate and get along with others at all times through your own relationships and communications with other adults and children.It is very important for children to see adults behaving appropriately and proffesionally in schools.We build relationships with others daily in a diffrnt number of ways children will always respond positively to positive communication and realtionships they are more likely wanting to be in schools and to learn if they have good relationships and are supported by adults around them who get along with each other.
Outcome three
There may be a number of reasons why communication difficulties are happening between individuals/groups of people here are some example of what they may be…
• Poor communication,often struggles can happen when communication as not been good this maybe because information has not been passed on correctly,the best way to fix poor communication is to discuss the matter to find out the cause then find a way forward together,the important thing is not to

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