
Switching Time By Michael Paul Mason: Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

Neurological disorders affect millions of people daily. Psychological disorders are no different. Germanic brain injuries happen daily leaving those affected with little hope for recovery. In Michael Paul Mason's novel "Head Cases" the reader sees many stories of this nature. While physical trauma can lead to often irreversible neurological disorders, emotional trauma can lead to treatable but life changing psychological disorders. In Richard Baer's "Switching Time" the reader sees one woman's story of recovery after major childhood trauma leads to a serious multiple personality disorder.

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBI, are the leading cause of death in children and young adults globally. Of the people who survive, most live a drastically …show more content…

Some victims don't realize what they're experiencing is a disorder. They never go to a therapist or psychologist, they suffer until they either come to terms with what they have, and find a doctor. If the disorder is treatable the patient will carry on and live a normal life. In other cases, the disorder is merely managed, therapists attempt to make life as good as possible, much like a TBI.

Neurological disorders and psychological disorders are very similar. In both cases, the patient hopes for recovery. Some will live normal lives after, others will manage, an unfortunate few will die. Psychologists and neurologists hope for best case scenarios, they treat their patient as well as they can with the knowledge they have. Sometimes this is not enough.

Doctors work as hard as they can. Some patients are beyond treatment. Some just don't know how to get better. This can lead to many therapy sessions, surgeries, physical therapy, or medication. Both Richard Baer and Michael Paul Mason discuss stories of downfalls and uphill battles. Some patients, like Richard Baer's Karen, will get better. Others, like most in Michael Paul Mason's novel will live drastically different lives. All of them, would have gone through extensive emotional and physical pain, and they all fought a hard

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