
Swot Analysis: 2.7 Importance Of SWOT Analysis

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The first important part of a SWOT analysis is to improve the viability of an organization. SWOT identifies the risk which can arise from future threats coupled with the organization weakness. For example, a pharma company ABC has invested heavily in R& D of existing product where a new competitor is also entering with same product. Then company ABC has to decide whether it is strategically important to deal with external threat or improve the internal weakness. Company ABC can continue the R & D progress to improve the quality of existing product or else can diversify the resource to offer the product at less cost i.e. improving its efficiency. So, SWOT plays an important role in such situation and proves to be a beneficial tool to take appropriate decision of improving the weakness …show more content…

In addition, SWOT is a somewhat simple method that can be performed in a fairly short time.

 No Weighting Factors: SWOT analysis leads to four individual lists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. However, the tool provides no mechanism to rank the significance of one factor versus another within any list. As a result, any one factor's true impact on the objective can't be determined.
 Ambiguity: SWOT analysis creates a one-dimensional model in which each problem attribute is viewed as a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. As a result, each attribute is seen to have only one influence on the problem being analysed. However, one factor might be both strength and a weakness. For example, locating a chain of stores on well-travelled streets that grant easy access to customers might be reflected in increased sales. However, the costs of operating high-visibility facilities can make it difficult to compete on price without a large sales

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