
Symbolism In Chris Mccandless's Journey

Decent Essays

Krakauer included this in the book to inform the readers that McCandless is abandoning his past. By telling the readers he burned his money and left behind most of his belongings, McCandless is rejecting his old ways and he does not want a lot of possessions that associates with his previous life. He is starting fresh and created a different life for himself with a different name. This quote is significant is because it shines some light on why McCandless sought after a new life. His main goal was to find peace and meaning in life. He sought a life where he only has himself to worry after and he is not fond with the idea that his life is a burden to anyone. Like several other individuals in real life, he longs for a search that can answer his questions about life so that he could be at peace with himself. …show more content…

The Stampede Trail can symbolizes the failed attempts of McCandless’s trip. This is also where he changed his name from Chris McCandless to Alexander Supertramp and where he ended his journey. Therefore, this trail symbolizes both the conclusion of his adventure and his failed attempts. Krakauer informs the readers that even at a young age, McCandless had troubles with authority and following orders. By including this dialogue from his father, Walt, Krakauer reveals more of McCandless’s rebellious personality. He thinks that rules are pointless and stupid and he does not like to be a mindless follower of the world. This quote is significant because it explains why climbers and adventurers go on these trips. They wanted an escape from reality, they wanted to break free from the prison of materialism and the set idealisms. They wanted to find themselves to feel free and true to their body and mind. It could also be that they are tired of society and how they were living their lives before, they felt the need to find reasons and explanations of

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